Blacks In Government Inc. - HHS-Washington, DC/College Park Complex Chapter
Blacks In Government Inc. - HHS-Washington, DC/College Park Complex Chapter
Chapter Core Values
About Blacks In Government
Our Vision
Meet Our
Executive Committee:
Esteemed honesty and integrity among members
Dedication and commitment to make a difference
Motivation and self-empowerment for each member
Passion and devotion toward developing growth and empowerment
Loyalty from BIG towards the black community and loyalty from the black community towards BIG
Teamwork to build a cohesive, family oriented community atmosphere
Reliability and support systems for providing opportunity and growth amongst Black HHS employees and the black community
Efficiency for the continued growth of BIG
Unifying our values, goals, and skills to provide selfless service and respect to Black HHS employees and the black community
Blacks In Government (BIG)® was established in 1975 and incorporated in 1976 by a small group of African Americans at the Public Health Services which is a part of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare (now Department of Health and Human Services). The organization was viewed as essential to the Black Civil Service employees struggling to overcome a wide assortment of racially-related problems at HEW’s Rockville, Maryland, facility. Initially, it was thought that the umbrella organization would address only the problems at the Federal level, and BIG was incorporated as a nonprofit organization in the District of Columbia jurisdiction. It became readily apparent, however, that state, county, and municipal Black employees were facing with the same type of employment problems that led to BIG’s founding. Thus, the organization quickly national response to the need for African Americans in public service to organize around issues of mutual concern and use their collective strength to confront workplace and community issues. BIG’s goals are to promote EQUITY in all aspects of American life, EXCELLENCE in public service, and OPPORTUNITY for all Americans.
Blacks in Government (BIG) is a professional organization for the civil service employee. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), College Park Complex Chapter is comprised of employees of HHS and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) who are located in Washington, DC and College Park, Maryland.We takes pride in developing growth within our Organization, our community, and amongst our members. We work hard to develop opportunities for our BIG community members to connect and share in order to develop a cohesive, family oriented community atmosphere. The BIG DC/CP Complex Chapter Blog provides a realm of opportunity for BIG members, members of the community, and people interested in the Organization's values, to share thoughts, ideas, network, and exchange knowledge. Click the "MORE" button for additional information on the national organization.

Marion V. Allen Regional Director – Region XI National Board of Directors Blacks In Government, Inc.

Roshelle King Treasurer Primary Regional Representative

Crystal Weeks 1st Vice President Primary Regional Representative
HHS/BIG is an advocate of equal opportunity and professional development for Black government employees at the Local, State and Federal government levels and others dedicated to justice for all.
For more information about our ERG, access our official site at here.
Blacks In Government (BIG) was established in 1975 and incorporated in 1976 by a small group of African Americans at the Public Health Services which is a part of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare (now Department of Health and Human Services). The organization was viewed as essential to the Black Civil Service employees struggling to overcome a wide assortment of racially-related problems at HEW’s Rockville, Maryland, facility. Initially, it was thought that the umbrella organization would address only the problems at the Federal level, and BIG was incorporated as a nonprofit organization in the District of Columbia jurisdiction. It became readily apparent, however, that state, county, and municipal Black employees were facing with the same type of employment problems that led to BIG’s founding. Thus, the organization quickly national response to the need for African Americans in public service to organize around issues of mutual concern and use their collective strength to confront workplace and community issues. BIG’s goals are to promote EQUITY in all aspects of American life, EXCELLENCE in public service, and OPPORTUNITY for all Americans.
Our BIG organization hosts various events and activities for our members and surrounding communities. Please check out our upcoming events.
Community Outreach:
Community OutreachAt BIG we enjoy donating time and resources to benefit our community and improve the quality of life for community residents. From Scholarship awards, to donations, to inspiring school visits, we take pride in extending a helping hand.James E. Duckworth Regional School Visit3 of 4BIG Scholarship AwardsPeople in graduation attire.More photos can be found on our external site here.
James E. Duckworth Regional School Visit:

BIG Scholarship Awards:

More photos can be found here.
Any person who is in accord with the philosophy, principles, policies and objectives of this organization, and agrees to adhere to the same, may become a member of the organization regardless of race, creed, religion, or sex, with consent of the Board of Directors by paying the annual membership fee, provided he or she is qualified as stated herein. To Join Blacks In Government, in our chapter or a chapter at your nearest agency, please click the "Join BIG" link and fill out our electronic "New Membership Registration" form. To renew your membership with Blacks In Government's HHS-Washington, DC/College Park Complex Chapter, please click the "Renew" link below and fill out our electronic "Membership Renewal" form.

Michael Howard Communication Chair

Steve Peyton Secretary Primary Regional Representative

Nyoka Robinson Alternate Regional Representative
BIG In Action
Join Us

General Body Meeting
The BIG HHS-Washington, DC/College Park Complex Chapter Body meetings usually are every 3rd Thursday of every month.
Upcoming Events
Women's History Month Program Theme:
“Women Who Advocate for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion”
Guest Speaker: Ms. Aditya McDuffy, Esq. - National Legal Review Chair
Moderated by:
1st Vice President & Co-Chair Honorable Deena Sheppard
3rd Vice President & Co-Chair Ms. Mazella Thomas
Date/Location: Thursday, March 28, 2024, at 2:30-3:30 PM EST/1:30-2:30 PM CST via Zoom
Click here for more National BIG Events information.

EEOC Education Consortium: The Six Essential Elements of a Model EEO ProgramThe Six Essential Elements of a Model EEO ProgramThe EEOC Education Consortium cordially invites you to the Six Essential Elements of a Model EEO Program. Equal opportunity in the federal workplace is key to accomplishing this goal. In order to develop a competitive, highly qualified workforce, federal agencies must fully utilize all workers' talents, without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex or disability. While the promise of workplace equality is a legal right afforded all of our nation's workers, equal opportunity is more than a matter of social justice. It is a national economic imperative. Federal agencies must make full use of our nation's human capital by promoting workplace practices that free up opportunities for the best and brightest talent available. All workers must compete on a fair and level playing field and have the opportunity to achieve their fullest potential. EdCon is a Community of Practice for EEO Professionals to enhance their knowledge and skills by providing innovative EEO programs and forming collaborative interagency partnerships to develop and share leading practices. We hope to see you there!
Event Information: Wednesday, March 20 from 1:00 – 2:00pm (EST) (Limited space available. SIGN IN EARLY)
Presenter: Marcus Artis, Outreach and Education Coordinator
Where: Virtual (Registration is required.) CART Captioning will be provided.